3 Tips To Stay On Track Through The Holidays.


“Stay Fit Through the Holidays.”

Platinum Fitness Tips to Stay Fit all winter.

Hey guys, I’m Rachel from Platinum Fitness and I have 3 holiday tips to stay on track with your fitness journey.

Set Goals

Setting small realistic expectations is a great way to keep you on track and motivated this holiday season. Studies have shown that writing down your goals on a calendar, note app, in a planner, or a notebook can help keep you accountable and staying on track.

Check out our app here as an option to track your progress.

Not all of your goals have to be centered around weight. Your goals can be as simple as getting a walk in every day for a week, taking time for your lunch break, or cutting back on alcoholic beverages.

Have a balanced Mindset

Approach the holiday season with a balanced mindset.  Meaning, you’ll do the hard work like exercising and eating right 80% of the time, so you can indulge 20% of the time. Plan ahead this holiday season so there are no surprises when going to an event like an office Christmas party, or a family gathering. Eating until you are 80% full is a great way to make sure you don’t overindulge, and learning to say no can help keep you on track through this holiday season and further.

Move More

The winter and holiday season is a great time to start moving a little extra and help fight seasonal depression and keep your mindset at its best. Individuals who struggle with arthritis can find a lot of benefits in increasing their physical activity during the winter months.

Happy Holidays from Platinum Fitness, we’ll see you in the gym.

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