3 Keys to Successful Weight Loss

I’ve recently gotten into a YouTube channel where a licensed therapist and a professional filmmaker sit down and review a movie together. Both giving insight to the psychological undertones as well as the art of producing a film. It was during one of their videos that the filmmaker said something that really stood out to me and actually gave me a pretty good reality check when it comes to how I train my clients. He said, “Generally, the only reason you make a change in your life is when the pain of making the change becomes less than the pain of not making the change.” 

Let’s put this into a health perspective: when the “pain” or the risks of losing weight (physical discomfort, vulnerability, financial obligation, etc.) become less than the risks of not losing weight (chronic illness and pain, death, etc.), that’s when most people decide to finally make a change in their lifestyle. This quote from him reminded me that it’s  possible that my clients start training with me as a last resort and, quite possibly, out of fear or desperation. Here are some helpful tips I give my new clients to help talk them off the ledge and prepare for this next chapter in their lives: 

  1. Weight gain didn’t happen overnight 

Weight loss can be extremely frustrating. But it’s important to remember that weight gain didn’t happen overnight or even the course of a month. And just like weight gain, losing the weight will not happen within just a few days. It takes time for the weight to come off and it takes dedication in order to maintain that weight loss and continue living a healthy lifestyle. 

  1. Moderation is key 

For the general public, following an extreme diet with tons of restrictions isn’t sustainable. Yes, you need to be disciplined with food and exercise in order to achieve your goals, but you can still enjoy a snack, alcohol, and rest in moderation. I live and coach by the 80/20 rule: do hard things and be strict 80% of the time and indulge 20% of the time. This leads to sustainable habits and can eliminate the sense of guilt that comes from indulgences! 

  1. Remember your why 

It could very well be that you started working with a trainer because your doctor told you to lose weight, but dig a little deeper to explore what keeps you coming back and continuing to work hard. You may find that you want to move better so you can play with your children instead of just watching them. There might be a family history of obesity that you want to end the cycle. It could be that you’re tired of taking medication that only fixes the symptoms of a deeper issue. Whatever is your driving force, keep that in the forefront of your mind. 

These 3 things I coach to my clients help keep their fitness goals realistic and to make the journey with me something they can enjoy. It doesn’t take a whole lot to start making small changes that can last a lifetime! It all starts with a phone call. Schedule your consultation now to make that first step. 

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