5 Ways to Get Fit NOW!

Don't put off getting into the best shape of your life. Follow these 5 easy tips to start now.

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“You don’t need to go overboard…to start seeing results”

Don't Wait one more day

It’s that time of year when family and friends are getting together to eat, drink, and be merry. It could also be that time of year when you start falling off track with your nutrition and weight-loss goals. Tell me if this sounds familiar: “after the holidays, I’m going to start going to the gym and eating better”. Honestly, I hear this a lot in the gym and my question is always the same, “why not now?” Don’t put off getting into shape and building healthy habits. Start now with these 5  tips: 

  1. Watch the alcohol 

Alcohol consumption can be one of the main reasons people don’t see results with weight loss. It can be really tempting to reach for the new seasonal drink at the bar or to drink in excess when with friends or family. What can you do to make sure you stay on track with your goals? You can: 

  • Say “no” to certain events 

  • Hold yourself accountable to only 1 or 2 drinks 

  • Choose low sugar & low calorie drinks 

Save the sugar and calories for something more substantial! 

  1. Start now & start small 

It can be really tempting to want to go all out on your workouts and lifestyle changes during this time of year. Many people start to feel guilty or anxious about overeating or they feel like they are too far behind once the holidays are over. Combat these feelings by: 

If you haven’t started working out now, adding any type of movement to your routine will lay the foundation for more consistent habits. You don’t need to go overboard and try to get to the gym 4 or 5 days a week right away to start seeing results. 

  1. Workout with a friend 

It’s likely you know someone else who is looking for motivation to get into the gym. Grab a buddy to share your fitness journey with. This can ease any “gymtimidation” and boost your drive to lose weight together.

  1. Do something you like 

Not everyone enjoys strength training. Zumba, kickboxing, yoga, and hiking, are all activities that are great to add to your routine. If you like it, you’re more likely to continue to go. Strength training has its own benefits, and it might be good for you to talk with a fitness professional to get additional guidance on how you can incorporate it into your life. 

  1. Everything in moderation 

Sweets, alcohol, and carbs aren’t your enemy. As a trainer, it’s my belief that when we approach these things in moderation, it provides us with a better chance for success. Hold the 80/20 rule true to yourself. Work hard to reach your goals 80% of the time and you can indulge and relax 20% of the time. Having the discipline to eat better and move more will take some time to develop, so start making a conscious effort to do just a little better each day. Soon enough, you’ll see that you’ve started laying down the stepping stones to a healthier lifestyle! 

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